Vol. 158 No. #14
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More Stories from the September 30, 2000 issue

  1. Health & Medicine

    Gene Tied to Heightened Diabetes Risk

    People with three particular variations within the gene that encodes the protein calpain-10 face triple the risk of getting type II diabetes.

  2. Earth

    Model offers grounds for midwestern quakes

    A new computer model may help explain how earthquakes can happen at fault zones located far from the edges of a tectonic plate.

  3. Memory echoes in brain’s sensory terrain

    The process of remembering an event reactivates brain regions that were involved in initially seeing or hearing the event.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Insulin inaction may hurt even nondiabetics

    Flawed insulin activity may lead to blood changes that foster atherosclerosis, even in people who don't have diabetes.

  5. Astronomy

    Craft finds where sun’s corona gets its hots

    New findings may help explain an enduring solar riddle: Although the sun's outer atmosphere lies thousands of kilometers above the visible surface of the sun, it's about 1,000 times hotter.

  6. Plants

    Glitch splits hermaphrodite flowers

    In a newly proposed scenario, polyploidy may trigger perfectly good hermaphrodite plants to evolve gender forms.

  7. Physics

    One-molecule chemistry gets big reaction

    Carrying out a widely used chemical reaction on one molecule at a time, researchers demonstrate unprecedented control of molecular behavior and, possibly, the ability to make novel nanotechnology devices and compounds that can't be created with ordinary chemistry.

  8. Computing

    Virtual stampede sees faces in crowd

    A new computer model based on particle interactions suggests ways to prevent a panicked crowd from stampeding.

  9. Physics

    Electron breakup? Physics shake-up

    A controversial theoretical proposal that challenges more than a century of theory and experiments suggests that loose electrons in liquid helium may break into pieces, dubbed electrinos.

  10. Abused kids lose emotional bearings

    Physical abuse and neglect appear to undermine preschoolers' emotional development in different ways.

  11. Brains generate a body of feeling

    Happiness, sadness, and other basic emotions activate unique networks of brain areas that track the body's internal status.

  12. Chemistry

    New solution for kitchen germs

    Acidic electrolyzed water appears to kill foodborne germs more effectively than a bath of dilute bleach.

  13. Chemistry

    Toxic runoff from plastic mulch

    Pesticide runoff from tomato fields covered with sheets of plastic can kill fish, clams, and other aquatic life.

  14. Chemistry

    Germ-killing plastic wrap

    Scientists have developed biodegradable plastics that release natural germ-killing agents onto the foods wrapped inside.

  15. Earth

    The Making of a Grand Canyon

    Carving this beloved hole in the ground may not have been such a long-term project.

  16. Health & Medicine

    Male Choice

    The search for new contraceptives for men.
