Vol. 170 No. #11
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More Stories from the September 9, 2006 issue

  1. Stem cells sense stiffness

    Stem cells can sense the texture of whatever medium they're growing on and use this quality to guide their fate.

  2. Physics

    Radiant plasma may combat cavities

    Dentists may someday disinfect teeth with a newly demonstrated, handheld stylus that exudes glowing plasma deadly to cavity-causing bacteria.

  3. High-protein diets boost hunger-taming hormone

    Eating protein appears to boost blood concentrations of a hormone recently found to restrict appetite.

  4. Earth

    Are pollutants shrinking polar bear gonads?

    New research links persistent pollutants with reproductive impairment in polar bears.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Old drug can stop clots as well as newer drug does

    A decades-old form of the anticlotting drug heparin is as safe, as effective, and potentially as convenient to use as recent derivatives that are many times more expensive.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Herpes simplex viruses dip in prevalence

    Two viruses that cause genital herpes decreased in prevalence in the United States during the past 2 decades.

  7. Sleep disorder tied to brain ills in kids

    Researchers have linked a severe form of sleep apnea in children to brain irregularities that may contribute to learning problems.

  8. Earth

    Plastics agent worsens skin allergies

    Low doses of one of the most commonly used softeners in plastics can aggravate dust-mite allergy.

  9. Copycat Monkeys: Macaque babies ape adults’ facial feats

    Scientists for the first time have established that baby monkeys, shortly after birth, imitate facial movements made by people and adult monkeys.

  10. Earth

    Genes as Pollutants: Tracking drug-resistant DNA in the environment

    A study that traces antibiotic-resistance genes in the environment indicates that they are present even in treated drinking water.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Problem Paternity: Older men seem more apt to have autistic kids

    Children born to fathers who are age 40 or older have an increased risk of developing autism.

  12. Tech

    Size Matters: Biosensors behave oddly when very small

    There might be a limit to how small physicists should build tiny sensors that detect viruses and molecules.

  13. Ecosystems

    On the Rise: Siberian lakes—Major sources of methane

    Field studies suggest that Siberian lakes are a much larger source of atmospheric methane than had been previously recognized.

  14. Animals

    Hey, Roach Babe: Male cockroaches give fancy courting whistles

    Some male cockroaches whistle at females with surprisingly complex, almost birdlike whistles.

  15. Earth

    Plowing Down the Amazon: Satellites reveal conversion of forest to farmland

    The clearing of jungle to create cropland is a major and previously underappreciated force behind deforestation in the Amazon region of Brazil, according to an analysis of satellite images.

  16. Planetary Science

    Rare Uranian eclipse

    The Hubble Space Telescope has for the first time recorded an eclipse on Uranus.

  17. Ecosystems

    Bad-News Beauties

    Discarded aquarium fish are the likely source of an alien species that's breeding in the Atlantic and could threaten economically important U.S. fisheries.

  18. Astronomy

    Too Much Deuterium?

    A new study appears to solve a 35-year-old puzzle about the distribution of deuterium in the Milky Way, but poses new questions about how stars and galaxies are formed.

  19. Humans

    Letters from the September 9, 2006, issue of Science News

    Brother bother If having biological older brothers correlates to homosexuality (“Gay Males’ Sibling Link: Men’s homosexuality tied to having older brothers,” SN: 7/1/06, p. 3), then we would expect that in the past, when families were larger, there would be a greater proportion of homosexuals. Is there any evidence for this? Rick NorwoodMountain Home, Tenn. […]
