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Opioid data dose

Students will work individually or in small groups to study different parts of the CDC website on opioids and summarize their findings for the class.

When drugs and body meet

These discussion prompts cover the biology and chemistry of opioids and ask students to brainstorm strategies for preventing or reversing opioid addiction.

Tracking opioid deaths

Questions based on the Science News article "Fatal fix" ask students about the effects of opioids and to analyze a graph of overdose deaths.

Fracking for fructose

Students will learn more about the enzymatic modification of sugars through hydrolyzing sucrose and to build molecular models of fructose, glucose, sucrose and a common artificial sweetener, sucralose.

Track those sugars

These discussion prompts ask students about how isotopes can be used to label and track chemical molecules, and about sugars and the enzymes they interact with.

Land of the lost

In this activity, students will identify fossils using hand magnifiers or stereomicroscopes, determine which era each fossil is from and how the fossils might have formed over time.

Journey to the age of the dinosaurs

These discussion prompts cover the major groups of dinosaurs and their time on Earth, as well as how we study them today.

Water flea circus

In this activity, students will measure the effect of environmental conditions on the heart rate of water fleas.

Surveying a sensitive ecosystem

These discussion prompts cover the pH scale, the solubility of gases, food webs and how organisms react to climate change.

Smartphone technologies

In this two-part activity, students will complete a few simple light polarization exercises to model LCD technology and then demonstrate how a smartphone app analyzes and utilizes data to perform a specific function.

A look inside the smartphone

These discussion prompts ask students to describe how various smartphone sensors work, and analyze three graphs related to data gathered by such sensors.

The spy in your pocket

Students will answer questions about how smartphone apps could be used to spy on people and how such spying might be prevented.