Search Results

Our ongoing battle with bacteria

These discussion prompts focus on the nature of bacteria and types of antibiotics, as well as methods for dealing with antibiotic resistance.

A look back at antibiotics

Students will search the Science News archive for stories related to antibiotics and bacterial infections.

Opening a battery’s black box

These discussion prompts ask students to think about ways that different elements create varied results in battery design, and related redox reactions.

Seeking next-gen batteries

Based on the Science News article "Charging the future," these questions focus on battery design, how lithium-ion batteries compare with newer types and the nature of experimental design.

From lactose to glucose

Students will test the effect of different conditions on lactase, an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of milk sugar to simple sugar.

Illuminating catalysts

Students will test different types of catalysts and conditions for the light-producing luminol reaction.

Catalysts 101

These discussion prompts cover the basics of chemical catalysts, enzymes as biological catalysts, the energies and physical properties of catalysts, plus related applications.

Speedy stories from the archive

Students will search the Science News archive to explore the history of catalytic material technology.

Seeking new catalysts

These questions focus on the use of catalysts in common industrial reactions and new research on alternatives to the precious metals currently used as catalysts.

A lunar journey

Students will search the Science News archive for other stories related to moon formation.

Probing moon formation

These questions focus on ideas about the origin of Earth's moon and evidence that supports various explanations of its formation.