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All about Explainers: An article type from Science News Explores
Use this lesson plan to learn about an article type called Explainers that is published by Science News Explores in print and online. You can also access a lesson plan template that can be used with any Explainer article. Explainer articles take a deep dive into a key scientific concept or process.
Literacy Practice: Cornell Note-Taking System
Use this lesson plan and the provided template to have your students practice the Cornell Note-taking System with any article. This literacy strategy organizes notes into two columns that provide structure for note-taking, analysis and review and that will help increase students’ learning, comprehension and retention.

2018 Year in Review
This guide reviews the biggest science stories of 2018, as reported by Science News.
Build your science knowledge
Students will define key science vocabulary to better understand the concepts covered in Science News' Top 10 science stories of 2018.
Understanding science’s impact
Students will work in groups to analyze one of Science News' Top 10 science stories of 2018.