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Ban on Gene-edited Babies Proposed

This guide explores basic topics related to gene editing and other applications of genetic engineering.

Explore genetic engineering’s legacy

These discussion prompts explore how genetic engineering has been used in medicine, agriculture and basic research.

Pressing pause on gene editing

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Ban on gene-edited babies proposed."

Hermit Crabs Are Drawn to the Dead

This guide asks students to connect ecological concepts to the real world and examine how science gets translated from research study to news article.

Getting source savvy

Students will explore similarities and differences in how scientific research is reported in a journalistic article versus a primary research paper.

Move into a hermit crab’s shell

These discussion prompts connect concepts including energy, competition, adaptation, speciation, natural selection and chemical and physical changes to a real-world example.

Surveying the hermit crab housing market

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Hermit crabs are drawn to the dead."

Web of changes

Students will think through and diagram an Arctic and local food web and will explore how ecosystem disruptions can impact the food webs.

Robot Re-creates a Tetrapod’s Moves

This guide explores how scientists combine approaches from different scientific fields to study ancient locomotion.

Step into the shoes of a scientist studying ancient locomotion

These discussion prompts encourage students to apply their knowledge of experimental design.

Following an ancient path

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Robot re-creates a tetrapod's moves."

Explore volcanic eruptions, and their devastating aftermath

These discussion prompts explore volcanic explosivity and collapse, the ecosystem and health effects of eruptions and how to keep people safe during natural disasters.