Search Results

Seeking new catalysts

These questions focus on the use of catalysts in common industrial reactions and new research on alternatives to the precious metals currently used as catalysts.

Probing moon formation

These questions focus on ideas about the origin of Earth's moon and evidence that supports various explanations of its formation.

How sugars hide cancer

These questions, based on the Science News article "Cancer's sweet cloak," highlight observations about cell-surface sugars and their ability to hide cancer cells from the immune system.

Spacetime ripples found at last

These questions focus on gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and how observing gravitational waves can improve our understanding of the universe.

The latest on self-driving cars

These student questions focus on autonomous vehicles and the nature of research that will support their widespread use.

Saving the world’s coral reefs

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Rebuilding reefs."