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Rising Carbon Dioxide Threatens Lake Food Webs
Students will explore how rising carbon dioxide is threatening a lake food web, and will measure how the environment affects the heart rate of water fleas.
Water flea circus
In this activity, students will measure the effect of environmental conditions on the heart rate of water fleas.

Mosses Tell Story of Retreating Ice
This guide connects the radioactive carbon-14 dating of newly exposed mosses in the Arctic to the bigger story of climate change.
Exploring half-life
Students will simulate the exponential radioactive decay and half-life of carbon-14 with pennies and a food coloring/bleach chemical reaction.

Neutron Star Crash Seen for First Time
This guide explores the recent discovery of a neutron star collision and encourages students to make connections to stellar evolution, gravitational waves and fusion reactions.
The pressure to be a star
To better understand the life cycle of stars, students will estimate the conditions involved in stars and element formation.
Star light, star bright
These discussion prompts cover the principles of spectroscopy, stellar evolution and fusion reactions.

Origami Outfits Help Bots Retool
This guide describes how origami robots can perform various tasks while being driven by a solenoid, and then asks students to make their own simple solenoids.
Solo for solenoid
Students will construct their own simple solenoids and conduct experiments to measure the solenoids' properties.
Goodnight moon
Students will calculate the angular momentum and density of the moon and consider the implications of the results for various theories of the moon's origin.

How Earth Got its Moon
This guide explores scientists' ideas for how the Earth got its moon, and the evidence that supports those ideas. Students can even calculate relevant lunar properties for themselves.
Mowing down cancer cells
Working in pairs, students will analyze a graph of data from one of the cancer experiments described in "Cancer's sweet cloak."