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How to Lick Cat Allergies
This guide asks students to explore how scientists are combating cat allergies, apply problem-solving strategies to an allergen of their choice, review basic concepts in genetics and analyze Punnett squares.
The quest to fend off cat allergies
Students will answer questions about the Science News article “How to lick cat allergies,” which explores some potential solutions to prevent and calm allergic reactions.
Taking charge of allergies
Students will identify and categorize various approaches to fending off cat allergies. After discussing the approaches, students will apply similar problem-solving strategies to a new allergen.
Here Come the (Bigger) Mammals
This guide, based on the Science News article “Here come the (bigger) mammals,” asks students to analyze a graph about a recent fossil find, discuss how organisms evolve as ecosystems change and research important fossil sites across the world.
Growing up mammal
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article “Here come the (bigger) mammals.”
Career share and compare
These discussion prompts encourage students to discuss and compare the work and background of two SN 10 scientists to explore the varied paths to becoming a successful researcher.
Hermit Crabs Are Drawn to the Dead
This guide asks students to connect ecological concepts to the real world and examine how science gets translated from research study to news article.
Following an ancient path
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Robot re-creates a tetrapod's moves."
Fight Like an Animal
This guide explores the evolution of animal weaponry and encourages students to think think through animal weaponry experiments.
Pick your battles
These discussion prompts encourage students to put themselves in the shoes of researchers studying animal weaponry, by evaluating, proposing and mapping out an experiment.
Surveying animal weaponry
Students will explore articles about animal weaponry from the Science News archive.
The truth behind animal brawls
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Fight like an animal."