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Probing moon formation
These questions focus on ideas about the origin of Earth's moon and evidence that supports various explanations of its formation.
How Earth Got its Moon
This guide explores scientists' ideas for how the Earth got its moon, and the evidence that supports those ideas. Students can even calculate relevant lunar properties for themselves.
2016 Shattered Earth’s Heat Record
This guide focuses on the Earth's record temperatures and the bigger issue of climate change, including its worldwide and species-wide effects.
Doing the wave
These discussion prompts cover the general properties and types of waves, how humans and other animals detect waves, and the design of laboratory wave detectors.
Corals across the disciplines
These discussion prompts cover coral reproduction, photosynthesis and respiration, greenhouse gases, fluorescence and how communities can minimize their impacts on reefs.
Diving in to coral research
Students will search the Science News archives for stories related to coral reef science and coral bleaching.
Saving the world’s coral reefs
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Rebuilding reefs."
Coral bleaching
Three activities give students the opportunity to use and interpret data to look for patterns in coral bleaching alerts.
Rebuilding Reefs
In this guide, students will explore how scientists are working to save coral reefs, which are under threat because of climate change and other human-related activities.