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Our ongoing battle with bacteria

These discussion prompts focus on the nature of bacteria and types of antibiotics, as well as methods for dealing with antibiotic resistance.

Opening a battery’s black box

These discussion prompts ask students to think about ways that different elements create varied results in battery design, and related redox reactions.

Written in rock

These discussion prompts cover the types of rocks and minerals found on Earth, and isotopes, their measurement and their applications.

Our changing planet

These discussion prompts cover radiant energy coming to and from Earth, the effects of global warming on the land, ocean, atmosphere and on species, and possible methods of averting or adapting to climate change.

Catalysts 101

These discussion prompts cover the basics of chemical catalysts, enzymes as biological catalysts, the energies and physical properties of catalysts, plus related applications.

Biomolecules from many angles

These discussion prompts cover molecular structures and properties of sugars, proteins and lipids, as well as questions related to the immune system and cancer.

Doing the wave

These discussion prompts cover the general properties and types of waves, how humans and other animals detect waves, and the design of laboratory wave detectors.