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Science News as research inspiration
Students will discuss the scientific details that are left out of short news reports and explore how these brief reports can lead to ideas for original research.
How is yogurt made?
Students will culture yogurt bacteria with and without antibiotics to test the bacteria's sensitivity and then stain microscope slides to determine if the bacteria are gram-positive or gram-negative.
Our ongoing battle with bacteria
These discussion prompts focus on the nature of bacteria and types of antibiotics, as well as methods for dealing with antibiotic resistance.
A look back at antibiotics
Students will search the Science News archive for stories related to antibiotics and bacterial infections.
Reviewing bacterial defenses
These questions focus on student understanding of gram-negative bacteria and the bacteria's response to antibiotics.
Opening a battery’s black box
These discussion prompts ask students to think about ways that different elements create varied results in battery design, and related redox reactions.
Catalysts 101
These discussion prompts cover the basics of chemical catalysts, enzymes as biological catalysts, the energies and physical properties of catalysts, plus related applications.
New Rules for Finding Antibiotics
This guide introduces students to the wide world of bacteria, bacterial infections, antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.
Built for Speed
This guide explores a wide variety of catalysts and their roles in chemical reactions, and covers recent research seeking alternative catalysts.
Saving the world’s coral reefs
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Rebuilding reefs."
Rebuilding Reefs
In this guide, students will explore how scientists are working to save coral reefs, which are under threat because of climate change and other human-related activities.