Educator Guides
Origami Outfits Help Bots Retool
This guide describes how origami robots can perform various tasks while being driven by a solenoid, and then asks students to make their own simple solenoids. -
SN 10: Scientists to Watch
Through the SN 10: Scientists to Watch list, this guide explores what it means to be a scientist and focuses on the plant-related work of two particular scientists on the list. -
Featured Activities
These activities cover a range of currently relevant scientific topics, and allow students to analyze data, review core concepts and design their own experiments. -
Genes Foretell Flu Shot Response
This guide focuses on the connections between genes and the immune response. Students will explore flu vaccines, how they are made and how the body responds to them. -
Flex Time
This guide focuses on neurons, how they form connections and how those connections are important for learning. -
New Rules for Finding Antibiotics
This guide introduces students to the wide world of bacteria, bacterial infections, antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. -
Data Back Ban of Artificial Trans Fats
After reading about the results of a ban on trans fats, students can explore the nature of lipids in greater detail, including analyzing foods for the presence of fats. -
Built for Speed
This guide explores a wide variety of catalysts and their roles in chemical reactions, and covers recent research seeking alternative catalysts. -
Research in Brief
This research-focused guide is inspired by the International Science and Engineering Fair, or ISEF, the world's largest international pre-college science competition. -
How Earth Got its Moon
This guide explores scientists' ideas for how the Earth got its moon, and the evidence that supports those ideas. Students can even calculate relevant lunar properties for themselves. -
Cancer’s Sweet Cloak
This guide covers research investigating how cancer cells can hide from the immune system with the help of cell-surface sugars, as well as related topics. -
2016 Shattered Earth’s Heat Record
This guide focuses on the Earth's record temperatures and the bigger issue of climate change, including its worldwide and species-wide effects.