Andrew Grant

All Stories by Andrew Grant

  1. Physics

    Hard times for theorists in a post-Higgs world

    The Large Hadron Collider’s big success leaves no clear avenue for new physics.

  2. Tech

    Faster memory could accelerate computing

    Experimental microchip improves reliability and speed of writing and reading data.

  3. Quantum Physics

    Light breaks up to cloak gaps in time

    Method could hide messages without sender’s knowledge.

  4. Planetary Science

    Gone perhaps, but Kepler won’t soon be forgotten

    Astronomers look forward to building on the planet-hunting telescope's discoveries.

  5. Materials Science

    3-D imaging, pixel by pixel

    Easy technique uses inexpensive equipment to make three-dimensional rendering.

  6. Space

    Kepler mission may be over

    The planet-hunting telescope has been crippled by the failure of two out of four pointing devices.

  7. Physics

    Low-energy laser makes leap toward practicality

    Researchers have created a polariton device that runs on electricity.

  8. Space

    Moon’s water may have earthly origins

    Ratio of hydrogen to deuterium suggests molecule on both orbs has a common source.

  9. Space

    Atom’s core gets pear-shaped

    Tapering asymmetry of some nuclei confirms predictions.

  10. Physics

    Counting cracks in glass gives speed of projectile

    There is a simple relationship between an object's velocity and the number of spokes it leaves in a dinged windshield or fractured windowpane.

  11. Space

    LHC detects asymmetry in particle’s decay

    While interesting, the imbalance in the decay of strange B mesons isn’t large enough to explain why matter predominates over antimatter in the universe.

  12. Space

    Comet’s water still hanging around on Jupiter

    Shoemaker-Levy 9 supplied almost all of aqueous part of the planet's upper atmosphere.