
More Stories in Physics

  1. Particle Physics

    A tiny neutrino detector scored big at a nuclear reactor

    A compact method of detecting neutrinos provides new tests of physics theories and could lead to new reactor-monitoring methods.

  2. Earth

    Ghostly white northern lights present new auroral mystery

    These mysterious whitish-gray glows in the northern lights might be cousins of the mauve light streak known as STEVE.

  3. Physics

    Hula-hooping robots reveal the physics behind keeping rings aloft

    The gyrations of hoop-slinging robots reveal that hourglass-shaped objects are best at keeping a hoop in the air.

  4. Particle Physics

    Cosmic rays could help reveal how tornadoes form

    Subatomic particles called muons could measure pressure changes in supercell thunderstorms and the twisters they kick up.

  5. Particle Physics

    A major new neutrino experiment is nearing completion

    The JUNO experiment, which will study the ways of the electrically neutral subatomic particles, will be the largest of its kind.

  6. Physics

    Fiber friction is the key to cozy knits

    Friction between loops of yarn give knit fabrics the ability to take on a variety of shapes even when no force is applied.

  7. Particle Physics

    Scientists are building underwater neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean

    The KM3NeT telescopes, currently under construction, will catch high-energy neutrinos that could reveal secrets of the cosmos.

  8. Physics

    Eyelashes’ special features help fling water from the eyes

    Eyelashes “micro-ratchet” structure and curved shape help wick water away from the eyes.

  9. Chemistry

    A new microbead proves effective as a plastic-free skin scrubber

    The nonplastic polymer cleaned up eyeliner and permanent marker and broke down into molecules related to sugar and amino acids.
