Carolyn is the Earth & Climate writer at Science News. Previously she worked at Science magazine for six years, both as a reporter covering paleontology and polar science and as the editor of the news in brief section. Before that she was a reporter and editor at EARTH magazine. She has bachelor’s degrees in Geology and European History and a Ph.D. in marine geochemistry from MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She’s also a former Science News intern.

All Stories by Carolyn Gramling

  1. Planetary Science

    NASA is headed to Earth’s outermost edge

    NASA’s upcoming GOLD mission will study the charged border between Earth and space.

  2. Earth

    A sinking, melting ancient tectonic plate may fuel Yellowstone’s supervolcano

    The subduction of an ancient tectonic plate may be the driving force behind Yellowstone’s volcanic eruptions.

  3. Climate

    These weather events turned extreme thanks to human-driven climate change

    Ruling out natural variability, scientists say several of 2016’s extreme weather events wouldn’t have happened without human-caused climate change.

  4. Earth

    Federal maps underestimate flood risk for tens of millions of people, scientists warn

    New flood maps suggest that the U.S. government underestimates how many people live in floodplains.

  5. Climate

    The Larsen C ice shelf break has sparked groundbreaking research

    The hubbub over the iceberg that broke off Larsen C may have died down, but scientists are just getting warmed up to study the aftermath.

  6. Earth

    Watching this newborn island erode could tell us a lot about Mars

    The birth and death of a young volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean may shed light on the origins of volcanoes in Mars’ wetter past.

  7. Paleontology

    This new dinosaur species was one odd duck

    Weird dino swimmer had flipperlike limbs and a swanlike neck.

  8. Animals

    Jackpot of fossilized pterosaur eggs unearthed in China

    A treasure trove of pterosaur eggs and embryos gives tantalizing clues to the winged reptile’s early development.

  9. Oceans

    In the deep ocean, these bacteria play a key role in trapping carbon

    Mysterious nitrite-oxidizing bacteria capture more carbon than previously thought and may be the primary engine at the base of the deep ocean’s food web.

  10. Earth

    Watch NASA’s mesmerizing new visualization of the 2017 hurricane season

    Swirls of sand, sea salt and smoke make atmospheric currents visible in a new NASA visualization.

  11. Climate

    Humans are driving climate change, federal scientists say

    Human influence “extremely likely” to be dominant cause of warming in last 70 years, U.S. climate report finds.

  12. Paleontology

    What male bias in the mammoth fossil record says about the animal’s social groups

    Male woolly mammoths were more often caught in natural traps that preserved their remains, DNA evidence suggests.