Life sciences writer Susan Milius has been writing about botany, zoology and ecology for Science News since the last millennium. She worked at diverse publications before breaking into science writing and editing. After stints on the staffs of The Scientist, Science, International Wildlife and United Press International, she joined Science News. Three of Susan's articles have been selected to appear in editions of The Best American Science Writing.

All Stories by Susan Milius

  1. Agriculture

    Journal disowns transgene report

    The journal Nature now says it shouldn't have published a report that genetically engineered corn is leaking exotic genes into the traditional maize crops of Mexico.

  2. Animals

    Lamprey Allure: Females rush to males’ bile acid

    An unusual sex attractant has turned up in an analysis of sea lampreys, and it may inspire new ways to defend the Great Lakes against invasive species.

  3. Animals

    Real pandas do handstands

    A giant panda that upends itself into a handstand may be sending a message that it's one big bamboo-thrasher and not to be messed with.

  4. Animals

    Nephews, Cousins . . . Who Cares? Detecting kin doesn’t mean favoring them

    New tests of the amazing nose power of Belding's ground squirrels has solved a 25-year-old puzzle about doing dangerous favors for relatives.

  5. Animals

    Cold Hamsters: Wild species boosts immunity for winter

    Hamsters that have to survive winter outdoors in Siberia rev up their immune systems, including their response to psychological stress, when days grow short.

  6. Paleontology

    Did Mammals Spread from Asia? Carbon blip gives clue to animals’ Eden

    A new dating of Chinese fossils buttresses the idea than an Asian Eden gave rise to at least one of the groups of mammal species that appeared in North America some 55 million years ago.

  7. Plants

    Fringy flowers are hard to dunk

    The fringe on the edges of the floating blooms of water snowflake flowers helps protect the important parts from getting drenched in dunkings.

  8. Ecosystems

    Are They Really Extinct?

    A few optimists keep looking for species that might already have gone extinct.

  9. Earth

    Underground Soil Economy: Microbes hidden in the dirt react to UV boost

    The community of soil microbes may live hidden in the ground, but it still changes when there's more ultraviolet radiation above.

  10. Animals

    Honey-Scented Elephants: Young males’ faces drip sweet signals

    An Asian bull elephant just reaching maturity secretes a liquid from glands on its face that smells like honey.

  11. Encouraging signs but no woodpecker

    A birding team searching in Louisiana for the possibly extinct ivory-billed woodpecker heard a promising pattern of taps but did not see the bird or hear it calling.

  12. Ecosystems

    Cryptic Invasion: Native reeds harbor aggressive alien

    A mild-mannered reed native to the United States is getting blamed for the mayhem caused by an evil twin.