Daniel Strain

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All Stories by Daniel Strain
- Life
Lab-engineered organism fights malaria
A new breed of poison-secreting fungi can kill parasites in a mosquito.
- Tech
Physics of burrowing sandfish revealed
A new study shows how sandfish lizards swim through Saharan sands, a find that could inspire better burrowing tools for use in the aftermath of disasters.
- Life
Carnivorous bladderworts suck up prey
High-speed movies confirm that bug-eating plants are vacuum feeders.
- Life
Fleas leap from feet, not knees
After years of scratching their heads over the question of exactly how the impressive jumpers launch themselves, scientists find an answer.
- Health & Medicine
Allergic to cancer
Having an overactive immune system may protect against certain types of brain tumor, a study suggests.
- Earth
Extinctions breed carbon chaos
Massive die-off left ecosystems vulnerable, an analysis suggests.
- Physics
Invisibility cloaks hit the big time
Using natural crystals, researchers have found a way to make objects up to a few millimeters tall disappear.
- Chemistry
What DNA does when it stretches
The molecule of life has some interesting elastic properties that have scientists scratching their heads.