Lisa Grossman is the astronomy writer for Science News. Previously she was a news editor at New Scientist, where she ran the physical sciences section of the magazine for three years. Before that, she spent three years at New Scientist as a reporter, covering space, physics and astronomy. She has a degree in astronomy from Cornell University and a graduate certificate in science writing from UC Santa Cruz. Lisa was a finalist for the AGU David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism, and received the Institute of Physics/Science and Technology Facilities Council physics writing award and the AAS Solar Physics Division Popular Writing Award. She interned at Science News in 2009-2010.

All Stories by Lisa Grossman

  1. Astronomy

    A new James Webb telescope image reveals a galactic collision’s aftermath

    Bright and dusty spokes of star formation connect the Cartwheel Galaxy’s inner and outer rings in a new image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

  2. Astronomy

    How James Webb Space Telescope data have already revealed surprises

    A distant galaxy cluster’s violent past and the onset of star formation in the more remote universe lie buried in the observatory’s first image.

  3. Astronomy

    Clouds in the Milky Way’s plasma bubbles came from the starry disk — and far beyond

    Gas clouds in the Fermi bubbles have a wide range of chemical compositions, suggesting some may have been ripped from other galaxies.

  4. Astronomy

    The most distant rotating galaxy hails from 13.3 billion years ago

    Astronomers have spotted a rotating galaxy whose light comes from just 500 million years after the Big Bang.

  5. Astronomy

    Here are the James Webb Space Telescope’s stunning first pictures

    President Biden revealed the NASA telescope's image of ancient galaxies whose light has been traveling 13 billion years to reach us.

  6. Astronomy

    Sand clouds are common in atmospheres of brown dwarfs

    Dozens of newly examined brown dwarfs have clouds of silicates, confirming an old theory and revealing how these failed stars live.

  7. Space

    The heart of the Milky Way looks like contemporary art in this new radio image

    The MeerKAT telescope array in South Africa provided this image of radio emissions from the center of our galaxy using data taken over three years.

  8. Astronomy

    The James Webb Space Telescope has reached its new home at last

    The most powerful telescope ever launched still has a long to-do list before it can start doing science.

  9. Planetary Science

    Enceladus’ plumes might not come from an underground ocean

    The celebrated plumes of Saturn’s moon Enceladus could come from pockets of watery mush in the moon’s icy shell, simulations suggest.

  10. Space

    Spacecraft in 2021 set their sights on Mars, asteroids and beyond

    This year, a bevy of new missions got under way on Mars and spacecraft prepared to visit asteroids.

  11. Astronomy

    The Parker Solar Probe is the first spacecraft to visit the sun’s atmosphere

    NASA’s Parker Solar Probe crossed a boundary between the sun’s atmosphere and interplanetary space that has been predicted for decades but never observed.

  12. Astronomy

    The cosmic ‘Cow’ may have produced a new neutron star or black hole

    A bright, mysterious blast of extragalactic light appears to have spawned a small, compact object.