Amanda Heidt

All Stories by Amanda Heidt

  1. Science & Society

    Will the Endangered Species Act survive Trump?

    President Trump has already begun to introduce changes that weaken the Endangered Species Act, a cornerstone of U.S. conservation law.

  2. Animals

    Velvet ants have the Swiss Army knife of venoms

    A velvet ant bite like “hot oil from the deep fryer” delivers an array of peptides that inflicts pain on insects and mammals alike.

  3. Animals

    Bees flying near cars are dying by the millions, a roadkill study suggests

    Scientists in Utah put sticky traps on car bumpers to tally how many bees get hit on a typical trip. The broader toll is immense, they estimate.

  4. Agriculture

    Can scientists make fruits and veggies resilient to climate change?

    Combining traditional plant breeding with new genomics tools is allowing scientists to grow plants that are better adapted to a warming climate.

  5. Archaeology

    An ancient, massive urban complex has been found in the Ecuadorian Amazon

    Found by airborne laser scans, this settlement and others throughout Mesoamerica and the Amazon are shifting how archaeologists think about urbanism.

  6. Life

    Crabs left the sea not once, but several times, in their evolution

    A new study is the most comprehensive analysis yet of the evolution of “true crabs.”

  7. Ecosystems

    ‘Crossings’ explores the science of road ecology

    Ben Goldfarb talks about his new book, which looks at the science that’s helping to prevent animals from becoming roadkill.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Scientists grow humanized kidneys in pig embryos

    The work represents an important advance in the methods needed to grow humanized kidneys, hearts, and pancreases in animals.