Jude Coleman

All Stories by Jude Coleman

  1. Animals

    These sea creatures can fuse their bodies

    A species of comb jelly can fuse its body with another jelly after injury. Some of the pair’s body functions then synchronize.

  2. Archaeology

    These Stone Age humans were more gatherer than hunter

    Though not completely vegetarian, the Iberomaurusian hunter-gatherers from North Africa relied heavily on plants such as acorns, pistachios and oats.

  3. Environment

    Heat waves cause more illness and death in U.S. cities with fewer trees

    There are usually fewer trees in neighborhoods with higher populations of people of color. Planting trees could save hundreds of lives every year.

  4. Animals

    Some mysteries remain about why dogs wag their tails

    Wagging is a form of communication, with different wags meaning different things, but scientists know little about the behavior’s evolution in dogs.

  5. Materials Science

    A fiber inspired by polar bears traps heat as well as down feathers do

    Scientists took a cue from polar bear fur to turn an ultralight insulating material into knittable thread.

  6. Life

    10 billion snow crabs have disappeared off the Alaskan coast. Here’s why

    In the eastern Bering Sea, the snow crab population plummeted after a marine heat wave in 2018. The crabs may have starved, a new study finds.

  7. Earth

    When discussing flora and fauna, don’t forget ‘funga’

    Conservation efforts often overlook fungi. That can change by using “mycologically inclusive language,” researchers say.

  8. Life

    Flowers pollinated by honeybees make lower-quality seeds

    Honeybees are one of the most common pollinators. But their flower-visiting habits make it harder for some plants to produce good seeds.

  9. Life

    5,000 deep-sea animals new to science turned up in ocean records

    Scientists compiled a list of animals unknown to science that live in a deep-sea Pacific Ocean ecosystem targeted for mining exploration.

  10. Materials Science

    A vegan leather made of dormant fungi can repair itself

    Researchers developed a leather alternative made from dormant fungus that can be reanimated and then regrow when damaged.

  11. Chemistry

    Here’s why some Renaissance artists egged their oil paintings

    Some Renaissance artists created eggs-quisite paintings by adding yolks to oil paints, which may have helped add texture and prevent yellowing.

  12. Science & Society

    Many plans for green infrastructure risk leaving vulnerable people out

    Green infrastructure is one way to help combat climate hazards like flooding. But without equitable planning, only some communities will benefit.