Maria Temming

Maria Temming

Assistant Managing Editor, Science News Explores

Previously the staff writer for physical sciences at Science News, Maria Temming is the assistant managing editor at Science News Explores. She has undergraduate degrees in physics and English from Elon University and a master's degree in science writing from MIT. She has written for Scientific AmericanSky & Telescope and NOVA Next. She’s also a former Science News intern.

All Stories by Maria Temming

  1. Astronomy

    The latest picture of a black hole captures Centaurus A’s massive jets

    Data from the Event Horizon Telescope reveal new details of jets spewing from the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy Centaurus A.

  2. Physics

    An atomic clock that could revolutionize space travel just passed its first test

    The most precise clock ever sent to space successfully operated in Earth’s orbit for over a year.

  3. Animals

    How a gecko named Mr. Frosty could help shed new light on skin cancer

    The distinctive coloring and skin tumors of a type of gecko called Lemon Frost have been pegged to a gene implicated in human skin cancer.

  4. Animals

    New images clarify how glasswing butterflies make their wings transparent

    Close-up views of glasswing butterflies reveal the secrets behind the insect’s see-through wings: sparse, spindly scales and a waxy coating.

  5. Chemistry

    Many cosmetics contain hidden, potentially dangerous ‘forever chemicals’

    Scientists found signs of long-lasting PFAS compounds in about half of tested makeup products, especially waterproof mascaras and lipsticks.

  6. Animals

    Mouse sperm thrived despite six years of exposure to space radiation

    A space station experiment suggests future deep-space explorers don’t need to worry about passing the effects of space radiation on to their children.

  7. Physics

    Auroras form when electrons from space ride waves in Earth’s magnetic field

    New lab results confirm that auroras are triggered by disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field called Alfvén waves.

  8. Life

    Even hard-to-kill tardigrades can’t always survive being shot out of a gun

    A recent experiment put tardigrades’ indestructibility to the test by firing the critters at speeds up to 1,000 meters per second.

  9. Science & Society

    A new memoir tells the life story of NASA ‘hidden figure’ Katherine Johnson

    "My Remarkable Journey" gives the backstory of NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, the central character of the 2016 film "Hidden Figures."

  10. Astronomy

    Watch this beautiful, high-resolution simulation of how stars are born

    The STARFORGE simulation follows a giant gas cloud as it collapses into new stars, accounting for all the phenomena thought to influence the outcome.

  11. Climate

    ‘Tree farts’ contribute about a fifth of greenhouse gases from ghost forests

    Greenhouse gases from dead trees play an important role in the overall environmental impact of ghost forests, a new study suggests.

  12. Space

    Planet-forming disks around stars may come preloaded with ingredients for life

    Methanol spotted around a hot, young star probably originated in interstellar space, suggesting some chemistry for life may start before stars form.