Nadia Drake

Former science writing intern and astronomy writer

All Stories by Nadia Drake

  1. Pacific coasts in line for solar eclipse

    Moon will block sun, almost, for four minutes Sunday during annular eclipse

  2. Space

    Stellar superflares’ trigger challenged

    Massive eruptions on sunlike stars might not require magnetic interactions from a big, hot, nearby planet.

  3. Astronomy

    Sun’s shock wave goes missing

    Spacecraft observations redraw astronomers’ ideas about the local stellar environment.

  4. Space

    More than one way to explode a star

    New observations confirm two leading theories of type 1a supernova production.

  5. Astronomy

    A star is torn

    A black hole’s stellar feast is witnessed by telescopes on Earth and in orbit.

  6. Astronomy

    Ancient scribes may have banked on blinking binary

    For the Egyptians, luck may have been written in the Demon Star.

  7. Humans

    A result of zero doesn’t always mean zero results

    Two recent astrophysics studies found meaningful results in nothing.

  8. Space

    Earth took a multibillion-year beating

    Asteroids pummeled the planet for billions of years as the Late Heavy Bombardment tapered off, new estimates suggest.

  9. Astronomy

    Dark matter search turns up empty

    New calculations suggest dearth of invisible substance in solar neighborhood.

  10. Rock, Rattle and Roll

    Planetary scientists seek to fill in gaps in outer solar system’s formative years.

  11. Space

    Hunt for cosmic ray source falls short

    After failure to detect neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts, scientists might need to revise theories.

  12. Space

    Planets’ gravity tidies stellar ring

    The vast dust disk around the star Fomalhaut hints at a pair of orbiting bodies.