Search Results for: Pandas

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214 results
  1. Humans

    Evolution in Action

    Debates on the conflict between evolution and intelligent design are taking place not only in the courts but also in state legislatures and even among members of local school boards, where topics include curricula, textbooks, and the definition of science itself.

  2. From the February 24, 1934, issue

    A giant panda cub, anti-photon prediction, and meteor effects on short-wave radio reception.

  3. A Fetching Lexicon: Language clues come from dog’s vocabulary

    A research team finds that a 9-year-old border collie displays a keen facility for learning word meanings, providing new support for the theory that simple types of thinking practiced by some nonhuman animals also make word learning possible in toddlers.

  4. Strep infection sets off tics in some kids

    Some children may have a genetic susceptibility to developing obsessive-compulsive disorder and tic ailments after a streptococcal infection.

  5. Animals

    Real pandas do handstands

    A giant panda that upends itself into a handstand may be sending a message that it's one big bamboo-thrasher and not to be messed with.

  6. Archaeology

    Wild Chimps Rocked On: Apes left unique record of stone tools

    Researchers have uncovered the first archaeological site attributed to chimpanzees, which includes stone implements that were used to crack nuts on top of thick tree roots.

  7. Paleontology

    Veggie Bites: Fossil suggests carnivorous dinosaurs begat vegetarian kin

    Chinese rocks have yielded fossil remains of a creature that had rodentlike incisors and a hefty overbite, providing the first distinct dental evidence for plant-eating habits among theropod dinosaurs.

  8. The Lives of Pandas

    On a tight energy budget, newborns no bigger than chipmunks grow into roly-poly superstars.

  9. 18901

    Since pandas produce twins “roughly half the time” and “the mother routinely selects one, and the other dies in a few days,” it seems that there is an opportunity to rear the discarded one experimentally (away from the mother). Has this been tried? It seems a waste to let one of the twins perish. Rhodes […]

  10. Outcry saves National Zoo’s research site

    In the final hours, Smithsonian Secretary Lawrence Small withdrew his proposal to close the National Zoo's research center in Front Royal, Virginia.

  11. Science News Books

  12. Ancient Human Ancestor Emerges in China
