Search Results for: Fish

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8,102 results
  1. Neuroscience

    Some healthy fish have bacteria in their brains

    Animals including mammals usually protect their brains from infiltrating microbes that can cause disease. But some fish seem to do just fine.

  2. Paleontology

    Despite new clues, this ancient fish has stumped scientists for centuries

    The 50-million-year-old Pegasus volans isn't closely related to seamoths or oarfish, like some researchers have suggested. But what is it?

  3. Animals

    A built-in pocket protector keeps sawfish from ‘sword fighting’ in the womb

    What’s to prevent pups, with a snout that resembles a hedge trimmer, from slicing and dicing each other in mom’s uterus? Scientists have the answer.

  4. Animals

    Eavesdropping on fish could help us keep better tabs on underwater worlds

    Scientists are on a quest to log all the sounds of fish communication. The result could lead to better monitoring of ecosystems and fish behavior.

  5. Animals

    Scientists piece together clues in a shark ‘murder mystery’

    A missing porbeagle shark was likely killed by a great white. It’s the first known case of adult porbeagles being hunted by a predator, scientists say.

  6. Animals

    Migratory fish species are in drastic decline, a new UN report details

    The most comprehensive tally of how migrating animals are faring looks at more than 1,000 land and aquatic species and aims to find ways to protect them.

  7. Environment

    ‘The High Seas’ tells of the many ways humans are laying claim to the ocean

    The book explains how the race for ocean resources from fish to ores to new medicines — the Blue Acceleration — is playing out.

  8. Humans

    Does social status shape height?

    A controversial idea drawing on findings from the animal kingdom suggests there’s more to human stature than genetics and nutrition.

  9. Environment

    Fiddler crabs are migrating north to cooler waters

    The crabs are climate migrants and could be a harbinger of changes to come as more species move in.

  10. When pain really is in your head

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the complexity of chronic pain, the spread of diseases and training crocs to avoid eating certain toads.

  11. Animals

    Fish beware: Bottlenosed dolphins may be able to pick up your heartbeat

    Fish, sharks and platypuses are adept at sensing electrical signals living things give off. Bottlenosed dolphins make that list too, studies suggests.

  12. Animals

    Pumping cold water into rivers could act as ‘air conditioning’ for fish

    Hundreds of salmon, trout and other fish sought shelter from summer heat in human-made shelters, suggesting a way to help fish adapt to river warming.
