Republishing coronavirus articles

Access to accurate information about the new coronavirus and COVID-19 is essential in the midst of this global pandemic. That’s especially true because the science is changing so quickly, and misinformation is widespread. 

Science News is offering our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic for republishing by other media outlets. Since 1921, our mission has been to provide accurate, timely coverage of science and medicine for the public. 

Our team of reporters and editors covering the pandemic have decades of experience covering infectious disease, epidemics and public health; many have advanced degrees in science. They are hard at work using that expertise to explain the latest science and to put that news in context, so that people can make informed decisions for themselves, their families and their communities. 

Science News Explores, our website for ages 9 and up, is also publishing news on the coronavirus outbreak. These articles are readability-adjusted to make them more accessible, and are appropriate for students and adults. The coronavirus coverage on Science News Explores can also be republished by news organizations following these rules. 

This FAQ explains what content is available to republish, our requirements for reuse and other useful information. 

What content can news organizations republish?

News organizations can republish our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19 for free. We are sharing this content under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Note that photographs, illustrations and graphics are not included in this. Please see more detail on this below.

You can find all of our shareable coverage here for Science News and here for Science News Explores. 

What Science News Media Group stories can’t be republished? 

Free sharing applies only to our coronavirus/COVID-19 coverage. Content not included in this list (Science News) or this list (Science News Explores) cannot be republished.    

Can Science News Media Group material be licensed for use in products like educational testing or textbooks? 

Please see our guidance and instructions on licensing for commercial use on our permissions page

What are the republishing requirements? 

Attribution and editing 

For attribution, we require that you:

  • Include a byline with our reporter’s name and name of the publication, Science News or Science News Explores.
  • Preserve all story hyperlinks.
  • Include this tagline at the bottom of the story:
    This story was originally published by Science News, a nonprofit independent news organization.
    (Substitute Science News Explores as appropriate.)
  • In the tagline, the words “originally published by Science News” should hyperlink to the version of the story that appears on the Science News website. Please include campaign parameters in the URL (this site can help you build it), where:
    • Campaign name = republish
    • Campaign medium = web 
    • Campaign source = [name of your publication]
      An example URL looks like this:

Can news organizations alter or edit stories?

You can make limited changes such as using a different headline or updating time references. Contact us to ensure that your edits are OK.

Can news organizations use the photos and illustrations on the Science News websites?

Most of the images published with stories on our website are licensed from companies such as the Associated Press or Getty Images that do not allow republishing, or are the property of scientific journals or research institutions. As a result, we can’t grant permission to republish images. You can contact the organization listed in a photo credit directly if you want to license that image for use on your site. 

Getting Science News Content and Assets

How do I get a copy of a story?

You can cut and paste text from our website. If you would like the HTML version, please contact us

Can I use your logo on republished stories?

We would love that. Here’s the Science News logo, and the Science News Explores logo

Do we have to alert Science News when content is republished?

Please do. Let us know using this form

Please follow the rules.

We are sharing our journalism to help support the work of other news organizations. Selling or redistributing our content is prohibited. If you do republish our material, your site must include a prominent and effective way to contact you. Science News reserves the right to revoke republication permission at any time. 

What if my question isn’t here or I need clarification?

We’ve got the answer! And if we don’t, we’ll do our best to figure it out. Please use this form or e-mail