Devin Powell

All Stories by Devin Powell

  1. Physics

    What it means to ‘feel the noise’

    Scientists investigating the nexus between sound and touch suggest that the ear arose from skin.

  2. Physics

    Gators go a-courtin’ with fancy physics

    Their subsonic mating bellows generate Faraday waves, a phenomenon almost never seen outside the lab.

  3. Physics

    Rogue waves captured

    Re-creating tiny versions of these monster swells in a laboratory tank reveals their mathematical underpinnings.

  4. Physics

    New laser is from the birds

    Inspired by an optical trick that colors feathers without pigment, physicists come up with a cheap, practical design.

  5. Space

    Gravity Probe B finally pays off

    A half century in the making, an orbiting experiment finally confirms Einstein's general relativity.

  6. Earth

    Currents reach deep for seafloor larvae

    Surface waters circulate more than a mile down, transporting organisms between distant ocean-bottom habitats.

  7. Moved by Light

    Lasers push everyday objects into the quantum world.

  8. Physics

    Scientists see the one-way light

    Nonlinear materials that allow directional discrimination of waves could be used to make components for light-based computers.

  9. Physics

    Time travel nixed in metamaterial world

    A desktop universe captures essential properties of the real thing.

  10. Physics

    How bicycles keep the rubber on the road

    An international collaboration tries to explain the surprising stability of two-wheeled travel.

  11. Physics

    Screwy symmetry revealed

    Math trick that reverses spirals and other shapes that twist and turn should provide new ways to understand and design materials.

  12. Chemistry

    Japan nuke accident seen from Seattle

    Radioactive particles retrieved in the Pacific Northwest offer clues to events inside the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant.