Patrick Barry

All Stories by Patrick Barry

  1. Earth

    Carbon sequestration frustration

    Cradle-to-grave analysis of emissions from power plants suggests that capturing and burying CO2 could have environmental costs.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Running interference on cholesterol

    Injected RNA molecule lowers LDL in rats and monkeys.

  3. Life

    Making T cells tougher against HIV

    Delivering small interfering RNAs, or siRNAs, to human immune cells in mice protects the cells from HIV and suggests future therapy for patients.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Calcium’s possible role in Alzheimer’s

    A new study in mice finds that plaques associated with Alzheimer’s wreak havoc on calcium’s role in cell signaling.

  5. Health & Medicine

    A chink in flu’s armor

    Finding the shape of a protein that enables the flu virus to replicate points to ways to combat the disease.

  6. Life

    Choose your own splicer

    Zinc-finger proteins can cut, splice or tweak a targeted gene, and a new “open source” method for making customized zinc-finger proteins aimed at specific genes will give scientists easier access to this powerful genetic tool.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Finding the Golden Genes

    Advances in gene therapy could tempt some athletes to enhance their genetic makeup, leading some researchers to work on detection methods just in case.

  8. Life

    Hidden in plain view

    Looking for unwavering genes rather than standouts could reveal which genes contribute to disease.

  9. Health & Medicine

    X-ray vision

    A new imaging technique could give scientists unprecedented views into cells and other objects at the nanoscale.

  10. Chemistry

    It’s DNA Jim, but not as we know it

    Chemists synthesized a DNA-like molecule using unnatural versions of the “letters” that make up the genetic code.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Shared recipes for longer life

    Being female and eating a calorie-restricted diet contribute to long lifespan in animals, and the two traits may share molecular mechanisms.

  12. Chemistry

    HIV knockout

    Cutting a gene in immune cells could offer a new way to treat HIV infections.