Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,928 results
  1. Paleontology

    Meet Lokiceratops, a newly discovered species of horned dinosaur

    Found in Montana’s badlands, Lokiceratops had two large, bladelike horns jutting forward and out from between its eyes.

  2. Animals

    Komodo dragon teeth get their strength from an iron coat

    Studying the reptile’s ironclad teeth in more detail could help solve a dinosaur dental mystery.

  3. Neuroscience

    How smart was T. rex?

    A debate over how to count neurons in dinosaurs is raising questions about how to understand extinct animals’ behavior.

  4. Paleontology

    The real culprit in a 19th century dinosaur whodunit is finally revealed

    Contrary to the stories handed down among paleontologists, creationism wasn’t to blame for the destruction of Central Park’s dinosaurs.

  5. Paleontology

    Dinosaur feathers may have been more birdlike than previously thought

    Feather proteins can change during fossilization, raising questions about what dinosaur feathers really can tell us about feather evolution.

  6. Paleontology

    This newfound birdlike dinosaur had surprisingly long legs

    Early birdlike dinosaurs are mostly short-limbed and thought to have lived in trees, but Fujianvenator prodigiosus may have run or waded in swamps.

  7. Paleontology

    New computer analysis hints volcanism killed the dinosaurs, not an asteroid

    Scientists take a creative approach to investigating what caused the mass extinction 66 million years ago, but the debate is far from settled.

  8. Paleontology

    Stunning trilobite fossils include soft tissues never seen before

    Well-preserved fossils from Morocco help paleontologists understand the weird way trilobites ate and perhaps why these iconic animals went extinct.

  9. Life

    New fossils from Patagonia may rewrite the history of duck-billed dinosaurs

    New findings are adding a wrinkle to researchers’ understanding of how duck-billed dinosaurs conquered the Cretaceous world.

  10. Physics

    How neutron imaging uncovers hidden secrets of fossils and artifacts

    The technique can complement X-ray scanning and other tools to uncover details of dinosaur fossils, mummies and more.

  11. Life

    T. rex may have had lips like a modern lizard’s

    Dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus have long been portrayed as lipless, but new research suggests this wasn’t so.

  12. Paleontology

    This dinosaur might have used its feet to snag prey in midair like modern hawks

    Fossilized toe pads suggest a hawklike hunting style in Microraptor, a dinosaur that some scientists think could hunt while flying.
