Stiff cellular environment links obesity to breast cancer
Malignant human cells grow more quickly on rigid material from fat mice
Fat cells in obese mice modify nearby proteins, creating a rigid environment that increases cancer cells’ ability to grow and spread, a new study finds.
When placed on stiff extracellular material taken from obese mice, human breast cancer cells and precancerous cells grew more rapidly, scientists report August 19 in Science Translational Medicine.
Previous studies have shown that obesity increases the risk of breast cancer and worsens a patient’s prognosis. But scientists don’t have a good understanding of the processes responsible for this link, says biomedical engineer Paolo Provenzano of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. “This study sheds considerable light on that mechanism,” he says. “It’s further proof of principle that engineering principles are important to our understanding of cancer, and it’s not just a biochemical or genetic disease.”