Davide Castelvecchi

All Stories by Davide Castelvecchi

  1. Physics

    Degrees of Quantumness: Shades of gray in particle-wave duality

    Light can be made to act as if it's composed of particles, waves, or something in between.

  2. Physics

    Quantum Loophole: Some quirks of physics can be good for science

    Physicists have found a way to almost double measurement precision when using photons to gauge distances.

  3. Computing

    Lost in transportation

    A new algorithm might make online driving directions more accurate.

  4. Physics

    Putting Einstein to the test

    A NASA mission has found new evidence for Einstein's theory of gravity, but its final results have been delayed by unexpected problems.

  5. Physics

    Fermilab could beat CERN to the punch

    A new particle accelerator starting up next year in Switzerland should finally discover the origin of mass, unless an older U.S. machine does it first.

  6. Physics

    Liquid origami

    A French team has created the first mini-origami figures that fold themselves around droplets of water.

  7. Planetary Science

    Northern Exposure: The inhospitable side of the galaxy?

    Our solar system's periodic motion from one side of the galaxy to the other could expose life on Earth to massive amounts of cosmic rays and cause recurring, catastrophic mass extinctions.

  8. Physics

    Tiny particles baffle physicists, again

    An experiment failed to confirm the existence of a new elementary particle called the sterile neutrino, but its results could still point to some new physics.

  9. Physics

    Toward imaging single biomolecules

    Experiments have given additional evidence that a future generation of X-ray sources called free-electron lasers may be able to image single biomolecules.

  10. Physics

    This is your brain on a chip

    Biophysicists have put neurons on a chip and induced them to form multiple patterns of synchronized firing, the mechanism at the basis of memory.

  11. Physics

    Quantum Capture: Photosynthesis tries many paths at once

    The wavelike behavior of energy in chlorophyll might explain how plants are so efficient at using solar energy.

  12. Physics

    Formula for Panic: Crowd-motion findings may prevent stampedes

    The physics of pedestrian flows could help prevent stampedes such as the one that killed hundreds during a pilgrimage to Mecca in 2006.