Life sciences writer Susan Milius has been writing about botany, zoology and ecology for Science News since the last millennium. She worked at diverse publications before breaking into science writing and editing. After stints on the staffs of The Scientist, Science, International Wildlife and United Press International, she joined Science News. Three of Susan's articles have been selected to appear in editions of The Best American Science Writing.

All Stories by Susan Milius

  1. Plants

    The most ancient African baobabs are dying and no one knows why

    Scientists aren’t sure what’s killing the oldest African baobabs, nine of which have lost big chunks or died in the last 13 years.

  2. Animals

    Bees join an exclusive crew of animals that get the concept of zero

    Honeybees can pass a test of ranking ‘nothing’ as less than one.

  3. Environment

    A big analysis of environmental data strengthens the case for plant-based diets

    A new study calculates the bonus for the planet of choosing more foods from plants.

  4. Paleontology

    Oldest known lizard fossil pushes group’s origins back 75 million years

    CT scan reveals hidden identity of an unusual lizard fossil found years ago in the Italian Alps.

  5. Paleontology

    How birds may have escaped the dino-killing asteroid impact

    A tree-loving lifestyle became a risk for ancient birds in a world-changing catastrophe.

  6. Climate

    As CO2 increases, rice loses B vitamins and other nutrients

    Field experiments add vitamins to list of nutrients at risk from a changing atmosphere.

  7. Animals

    A caterpillar outwits corn defenses by gorging on fattening ‘junk’ food

    The crop plants defend themselves with zombie-maker wasps, but one pest has a desperate work-around.

  8. Animals

    Green blood in lizards probably evolved four times

    Pigment buildups that would cause jaundice in people are normal for some New Guinea skinks.

  9. Animals

    These caterpillars march. They fluff. They scare London.

    Oak processionary moths have invaded England and threatened the pleasure of spring breezes.

  10. Animals

    A deadly frog-killing fungus probably originated in East Asia

    The disastrous form of Bd chytrid fungus could have popped up just 50 to 120 years ago.

  11. Animals

    Here’s how to use DNA to find elusive sharks

    Hard-to-find sharks that divers and cameras miss appear in genetic traces in the ocean.

  12. Animals

    Fighting like an animal doesn’t always mean a duel to the death

    Conflict resolution within species isn’t always deadly and often involves cost-benefit analyses.