Culture Beaker

Where science and culture mix

More Stories in Culture Beaker

  1. Science & Society

    How seeing ‘Star Wars’ satisfies your narcissistic tendencies

    Participating in geek culture allows self-identified geeks to satisfy a narcissistic need for expert status, a new study hypothesizes.

  2. Science & Society

    Analysis gives a glimpse of the extraordinary language of lying

    A study of fraudulent research articles reveals patterns in language that indicate a paper is worthy of closer scrutiny.

  3. Science & Society

    For the real hits of fashion week, look to computer science

    A machine learning algorithm that analyzes trends on the runway and those on the street could help designers and manufacturers better understand what fashion trends take off.

  4. Science & Society

    Latest science survey is heavy on trivia, light on concepts

    A Pew Research Center survey finds that U.S. adults get a D in science. But the questions asked don’t necessarily test your grasp of science.

  5. Science & Society

    Why enforced ‘service with a smile’ should be banned

    If management wants workers to maintain false cheer, those workers should be trained, supported and compensated for the emotional labor, a new review suggests.

  6. Science & Society

    A bot, not a Kardashian, probably wrote that e-cig tweet

    Some 80 percent of recent e-cigarette-related tweets were promotional in nature, raising concerns that the positive spin is targeting a young audience.

  7. Science & Society

    A few key signs betray betrayal

    Like many relationships that collapse after betrayal, teasing out what goes wrong and who is at fault in betrayal isn’t so easy.

  8. Science & Society

    Microbes may be a forensic tool for time of death

    By using an ecological lens to examine dead bodies, scientists are bridging the gap between forensic science and the ecological concept of succession.

  9. Science & Society

    Your photos reveal more than where you went on vacation

    By mining public databases of people’s photos, researchers can explore changing landscapes and tourist behavior.
