Wild Things

The weird and wonderful in the natural world

  1. Animals

    A tale of wolves, moose and missing ice

    Wolves have persisted on Lake Superior’s Isle Royale for decades, keeping moose in check, but climate change may doom the balance between the two species.

  2. Animals

    Birds have clever solution for a cuckoo conundrum

    Superb fairy wrens teach their incubating babies a password, and they become better teachers when they hear cuckoos are around.

  3. Animals

    What animal is the world’s best rock climber?

    Lots of animals manage to scale vertical heights, and each has their own way of accomplishing the feat.

  4. Animals

    Some birds adapt to Chernobyl’s radiation

    Some birds seem to fare well in and near the Chernobyl exclusion zone, but overall the nuclear disaster has been bad news for the region’s bird populations.

  5. Plants

    South American vine is a masterful mimic

    The vine Boquila trifoliolata changes the shape of its leaves to match its host and avoid getting eaten.

  6. Animals

    A guide to the world’s biggest flightless birds

    A rhea on the loose in England has prompted warnings about approaching the bird. From ostriches to cassowaries, here’s your guide to friendly and unfriendly big birds.

  7. Animals

    Secrets of a sailfish attack

    The large, long-nosed sailfish use their rostrums more like a sword than a spear to attack prey.

  8. Life

    Cheetahs, but not wild dogs, manage to live with lions

    One conservation tenet says that cheetahs can’t survive when lions are around, but it’s wild dogs that disappeared in one lion-dense area of the Serengeti.

  9. Animals

    Little thylacine had a big bite

    A reconstruction of the skull of a thylacine, an extinct, fox-sized Australian marsupial, reveals that the animal could have eaten prey much larger than itself.

  10. Animals

    How a chimp goes mattress hunting

    Chimpanzees prefer firm beds made of ironwood, a new study finds.

  11. Oceans

    The surprising life of a piece of sunken wood

    Timber and trees that wash out to sea and sink to the bottom of the ocean hold a diverse community of organisms.

  12. Animals

    Lionfish grow wary after culling

    Efforts to control invasive lionfish could make them more difficult to catch.
