Search Results for: zika

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144 results
  1. Life

    A key virus fighter is implicated in pregnancy woes

    In mice, activating a key component of the body’s antiviral machinery in response to a Zika infection can cause harm to developing fetuses.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Zika hasn’t been in the news much, but that doesn’t mean it’s gone

    Cases of Zika have dropped as more people become exposed, but the virus will likely emerge again in the future.

  3. Genetics

    A mutation may explain the sudden rise in birth defects from Zika

    A mutation in a protein that helps Zika exit cells may play a big role in microcephaly.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Nanosponges sop up toxins and help repair tissues

    Nanoparticles coated with blood cell membranes can move through the body to clean up toxins or heal tissues — without instigating an immune reaction.

  5. Animals

    Humans wiped out mosquitoes (in one small lab test)

    An early lab test of exterminating a much-hated mosquito raises hopes, but is it really such a great idea?

  6. Health & Medicine

    Zika could one day help combat deadly brain cancer

    The Zika virus targets cells that cause glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, studies in human cells and mice show.

  7. Genetics

    The Zika epidemic began long before anyone noticed

    Zika spread undetected into Brazil and Florida, a genetic study suggests.

  8. Chemistry

    Cool way to peer into molecules’ inner workings wins chemistry Nobel Prize

    Three scientists will split the prize for their work developing cryo-electron microscopy.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Zika hides out in body’s hard-to-reach spots

    Zika virus sticks around in the central nervous system and lymph nodes of monkeys.

  10. Chemistry

    Chemistry Nobel Prize goes to 3-D snapshots of life’s atomic details

    An imaging technique that gives up-close 3-D views of proteins is honored in this year's chemistry Nobel Prize.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Getting dengue first may make Zika infection much worse

    Experiments in cells and mice suggest that a previous exposure to dengue or West Nile can make a Zika virus infection worse.

  12. Science & Society

    2017 delivered humility, and proved our potential

    Acting Editor in Chief Elizabeth Quill reflects on some of the top scientific stories of 2017.
