
  1. Archaeology

    For some early monks, impaired hearing amplified sounds of silence

    Middle-ear ailments probably had little impact on early Christian monks’ lives.

  2. Humans

    Oldest alphabet identified as Hebrew

    Contested study indicates ancient Israelites developed first alphabet from Egyptian hieroglyphics.

  3. Archaeology

    Stone adze points to ancient burial rituals in Ireland

    A polished stone tool discovered in Ireland’s earliest known gravesite helps scientists revive an ancient burial ceremony.

  4. Archaeology

    People settled Australia’s rugged interior surprisingly early

    Ancient colonists Down Under crossed the continent not long after arriving around 50,000 years ago.

  5. Archaeology

    Wild monkeys throw curve at stone-tool making’s origins

    Monkeys that make sharp-edged stones raise questions about evolution of stone tool production.

  6. Tech

    CT scans show first X-rayed mummy in new light

    An ancient Egyptian child became the first mummy to be X-rayed in 1896. Today, CT scans reveal new insights into the child’s life — and death.

  7. Archaeology

    Ancient Maya codex not fake, new analysis claims

    New report suggests an ancient Maya text — the bark-paper Grolier Codex — could be the oldest known document in Americas.

  8. Archaeology

    Digital rehab exposes Biblical roots of ancient Israeli scroll

    Virtual unwrapping reveals Biblical text on charred remains of ancient Israeli scroll.

  9. Archaeology

    Painting claimed to be among Australia’s oldest known rock art

    A painting on a cave’s ceiling may be one of Australia’s earliest examples of rock art, according to researchers who used an ancient wasps’ nest to date the art.

  10. Archaeology

    Oldest indigo-dyed fabric found

    South American society was first known to use complex dye process on fabrics.

  11. Archaeology

    How to get Ötzi’s look

    DNA from Ötzi the Iceman’s clothes and quiver traced to both domesticated and wild animals.

  12. Earth

    China’s mythical ‘Great Flood’ possibly rooted in real disaster

    Folktales of an ancient flood that helped kick off Chinese civilization may reference a nearly 4,000-year-old deluge.
