EPA asks: Could you drive less?
Gas prices may need to climb more before most of us do the right thing.
By Janet Raloff -
Forest invades tundra
The Arctic tundra is under assault from trees, with serious implications for global climate change.
By Janet Raloff -
Now that’s abrupt
Past abrupt climate change in the North Atlantic could have started as far south as China, scientists say.
Goldilocks tree leaves
Leaves mostly keep their cool (or warmth) wherever they live, a finding that might affect reconstructions of past climates.
By Susan Milius -
Polar Bear Fallout
Why fights are likely to break out in the next few months to years between industry, environmental advocates, and the feds as regulations are developed, and litigated, over how to conserve declining numbers of polar bears.
By Janet Raloff -
Science academies call for climate action
Thirteen national academies of science today called on world leaders to “to limit the threat of climate change.” Read more in the current Science & the Public blog by Janet Raloff.
By Janet Raloff -
Federal Research Censorship
The media-affairs office in federal agencies can be fairly obstructionist, and when they do, the public comes out the loser.
By Janet Raloff -
Green Living, Chinese-Style
Chinese is developing eco-cities to take their citizens straight from the agricultural to the ecological age.
By Janet Raloff -
Already feeling the heat
Long-delayed U.S. government summary of climate change science sees effects on energy, transportation, farming, and water.
By Susan Milius -
Political Science
New York's mayor argues that science should not only inform action, but also prod it.
By Janet Raloff -
Ocean reflux
Upwelling off Californian coast offers taste of predicted ocean acidification.
By Susan Milius -
Help the Climate: Empty the Fridge
Yesterday, I reported that in hopes of slowing down global warming, some nations were interested in strengthening the Montreal Protocol – a United Nations treaty to curb releases of chemicals that endanger stratospheric ozone. But I didn’t really get into what they had up their sleeves. It turns out they want signatory nations to eliminate […]
By Janet Raloff