
  1. Genetics

    MicroRNAs track radiation doses

    MicroRNAs in the blood may indicate radiation damage, a study of mice finds.

  2. Genetics

    Molecular scissors snip at cancer’s Achilles’ heel

    Finding cancer’s vulnerable spots using CRISPR technology could lead to drugs that hit the disease hard.

  3. Genetics

    Humans and Neandertals mated more recently than thought

    Neandertals and humans interbred in Europe until shortly before Neandertals went extinct.

  4. Genetics

    Tameness is in the genes

    Taming affects common genes in multiple species.

  5. Genetics

    Editing human germline cells sparks ethics debate

    Human gene editing experiments raise scientific and societal questions.

  6. Microbes

    Possible nearest living relatives to complex life found in seafloor mud

    New phylum of sea-bottom archaea microbes could be closest living relatives yet found to the eukaryote domain of complex life that includes people.

  7. Genetics

    ‘Brainbow’ illuminates cellular connections

    A mouse’s optic nerve fluoresces in a rainbow of colors. The image offers a detailed look at nerve-protector cells called oligodendrocytes.

  8. Genetics

    Gene therapy for blindness dims a bit

    Gene therapy improves vision temporarily but can’t save sight.

  9. Genetics

    DNA disorganization linked to aging

    Changes in the way that DNA is tightly packed in cells leads to mayhem that promotes the aging process.

  10. Animals

    Woolly mammoth DNA shows toll of low diversity

    A new sequencing analysis of two woolly mammoth genomes reveals evidence of genetic decline due to isolation and inbreeding just prior to extinction.

  11. Genetics

    Gene in human embryos altered by Chinese researchers

    Chinese researchers have genetically altered human embryos.

  12. Genetics

    Genetic editing can delete deleterious mitochondria

    A new technique slates mutant mitochondria for destruction.
