
  1. Astronomy

    More space sugar

    Astronomers have found a second, colder source of the simple sugar glycoaldehyde in a dust and gas cloud 26,000 light-years from Earth.

  2. Astronomy

    Big Smash: Galaxy clusters in collision

    Astronomers have unveiled the most detailed image ever taken of the collision of two clusters of galaxies.

  3. Planetary Science

    Tiny scope spies distant planet

    Using a telescope not much bigger than Galileo's, astronomers have discovered a planet orbiting a star 500 light-years from Earth.

  4. Astronomy

    Sky Lights: Picture might show an extrasolar planet

    A faint point of red light may be the first picture ever taken of a planet outside the solar system.

  5. Astronomy

    Crashing Genesis

    Scientists are trying to salvage the fragile samples of the solar wind collected by the Genesis spacecraft, which crashed to Earth on Sept. 8 after its parachutes failed to open.

  6. Astronomy

    Beryllium data confirm stars’ age

    Measuring trace amounts of beryllium in two elderly stars, astronomers have found additional evidence that the first stars in the universe formed less than 200 million years after the Big Bang.

  7. Planetary Science

    Exploring Mars

    Here’s your chance to help NASA explore the surface of Mars. At its Marsoweb site, the agency provides detailed maps, engineering data, and interactive tools for studying the Red Planet’s alien terrain. Visitors are invited to look for and report important geologic features that haven’t yet been catalogued or even viewed by researchers. Go to: […]

  8. Planetary Science

    A really cool map

    A new infrared image of Saturn's rings provides the most detailed temperature map ever taken of these icy particles.

  9. Astronomy

    Rocky Road: Planet hunting gets closer to Earth

    Astronomers have discovered the three lightest planets known outside the solar system, moving researchers closer to the goal of finding extrasolar planets that resemble Earth.

  10. Astronomy

    Super Portrait: X-ray telescope eyes supernova remnant

    Trained on Cassiopeia A for 11.5 days, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has taken the most detailed portrait ever recorded of any supernova remnant.

  11. Planetary Science

    Martian ice could be sculpting surface patterns

    Images taken by the Mars Global Surveyor suggest that most areas with geological features known as patterned ground appear at high latitudes.

  12. Planetary Science

    Saturn Watch: Cassini finds two new moons and lightning

    The Cassini spacecraft has detected two moons that may be the smallest ever found around Saturn as well as changes in the character of lightning first detected in Saturn's atmosphere in the early 1980s.
