Search Results for: Lobsters

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323 results
  1. Life

    Remote seamounts in the southeast Pacific may be home to 20 new species

    A recent expedition to the intersection of two undersea mountain chains has revealed a new seamount and a rich world of deep-sea biodiversity.

  2. Paleontology

    In the wake of history’s deadliest mass extinction, ocean life may have flourished

    Ocean life may have recovered in just a million years after the Permian-Triassic mass extinction, fossils from South China suggest.

  3. Animals

    Glassy eyes may help young crustaceans hide from predators in plain sight

    Nanospheres in the eye reflect light that matches the color of the surrounding water, possibly making the animals invisible to nearby predators.

  4. Science & Society

    Here are the Top 10 threats to the survival of civilization

    These aren’t just movie scenarios. From aliens and asteroids to pandemics, war and climate change, civilization as we know it is at risk.

  5. Life

    Like bees of the sea, crustaceans ‘pollinate’ seaweed

    Crustaceans shuttle around red algae’s sex cells, helping the seaweed reproduce in a manner remarkably similar to flower pollination.

  6. Ecosystems

    A Caribbean island gets everyone involved in protecting beloved species

    Scientists on Saba are introducing island residents to conservation of Caribbean orchids, red-billed tropicbirds and urchins.

  7. Environment

    50 years ago, chemical pollutants were linked to odd animal behavior

    Fifty years after studies hinted that pollution interferes with how aquatic creatures communicate, scientists are still unraveling its myriad effects.

  8. Animals

    How do we know what emotions animals feel?

    Animal welfare researchers are studying the feelings and subjective experiences of horses, octopuses and more.

  9. Animals

    The mere sight of illness may kick-start a canary’s immune system

    Healthy canaries ramp up their immune systems when exposed to visibly sick birds, without actually being infected themselves.

  10. Animals

    This rare bird is male on one side and female on the other

    Researchers at Powdermill Nature Reserve near Pittsburgh spotted a bird with pink male coloring on half of its body and yellow female hues on the other.

  11. Animals

    A gentoo penguin’s dinner knows how to fight back

    Cameras attached to gentoo penguins off the Falkland Islands revealed that, despite the birds’ small size, their lobster krill prey can sometimes win in a fight.

  12. Chemistry

    How seafood shells could help solve the plastic waste problem

    Chitin and chitosan from crustacean shells could put a dent in the world’s plastic waste problem.
