Search Results for: chemistry

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378 results
  1. Chemistry

    Tycho Brahe dabbled in alchemy. Broken glassware is revealing his recipes

    The shards contain nine metals that the famous astronomer may have used, including one not formally identified until 180 years after his death.

  2. Materials Science

    Jurassic Park’s amber-preserved dino DNA is now inspiring a way to store data 

    DNA is capable of encoding all sorts of data. Storing it in an amberlike material may keep that information safe for nearly forever.

  3. Chemistry

    Protein whisperer Oluwatoyin Asojo fights neglected diseases

    Oluwatoyin Asojo’s work on hookworm protein structures have contributed to a vaccine being tested in people.

  4. Chemistry

    The development of quantum dots wins the 2023 Nobel prize in chemistry

    Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus and Alexei Ekimov split the prize for their work in creating nanoparticles whose properties depend on their size.

  5. Humans

    These are the chemicals that give teens pungent body odor

    Steroids and high levels of carboxylic acids in teenagers’ body odor give off a mix of pleasant and acrid scents.

  6. Space

    How a sugar acid crucial for life could have formed in interstellar clouds

    Computer calculations and lab experiments have revealed a possible mechanism for the creation of glyceric acid, which has been seen in meteorites.

  7. Chemistry

    ‘Flavorama’ guides readers through the complex landscape of flavor

    In her new book, Arielle Johnson, former resident scientist at the restaurant Noma, explains how to think like a scientist in the kitchen.

  8. Chemistry

    50 years ago, the quest for superheavy elements was just getting started

    In the 1970s, scientists were on the hunt for superheavy elements. They’ve since found more than a dozen and are searching for more.

  9. Chemistry

    ‘Most Delicious Poison’ explores how toxins rule our world

    In his debut book, Noah Whiteman tours through chemistry, evolution and world history to understand toxins and how we’ve come to use them.

  10. Chemistry

    Chemists turned plastic waste into tiny bars of soap

    Researchers developed a process to turn plastic waste into surfactants, the key ingredients in dozens of products, including soap.

  11. Climate

    Capturing methane from the air would slow global warming. Can it be done?

    Removing methane from the atmosphere requires different technology from removing carbon dioxide. Scientists are taking on the challenge.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Scientists may have found an antidote for death cap mushrooms

    A dye countered the effects of a mushroom toxin in human cells and mice. If the antidote does the same in people, it has potential to save lives.
