
  1. Materials Science

    Metal Manipulation: Technique yields hard but stretchy materials

    Researchers have combined a standard metalworking technology—rolling—with a programmed sequence of cooling and heating steps to process copper into a form that contains both nanoscale and microscale crystal grains.

  2. Planetary Science

    Echoes of Icequakes: Simple probe could measure Europa’s ocean and icy shell

    A football-size space probe could provide a low-cost way to determine whether there's a liquid ocean on the Jovian moon Europa.

  3. Neural Shape-Up: Brain anticipates object perception

    A new brain-scan study indicates that so-called higher visual areas predict the structure of incoming visual information and suppress activity in the visual system's entry area to foster object recognition.

  4. Earth

    More Frog Trouble: Herbicides may emasculate wild males

    New studies of male frogs in the wild link trace exposures to common weed killers with partial sex reversal.

  5. Health & Medicine

    A hint at a healthful effect of beer

    Beer consumption seems to boost concentrations of vitamin B6 in blood and coincides with lower concentrations of homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Bats may spread new Malaysian virus

    A Nipah virus outbreak in Malaysia may have started when bats spread disease to pigs.

  7. Invaders can conquer Africanized bees

    Bees that can take over even an Africanized-bee colony start by conning their nursemaids into giving them royal treatment.

  8. Buddy power warms tent caterpillars

    Tent caterpillars get more heat and insulation than scientists had expected.

  9. Family success prompts tit divorces

    For the first time, researchers have shown that bird pairs are more likely to divorce after raising young than after losing a nest of offspring.

  10. Soy, tea, and cancer benefits

    Animal studies indicate that enriching diets with soy and tea fights cancer better than adding either alone.

  11. Are some fats more filling?

    Substituting monounsaturated fats for polyunsaturated ones in cooking may hold hunger at bay longer.

  12. Diabetes drug cures infertility and more

    A common diabetes drug helps treat obesity and cure the infertility associated with polycystic ovary disease—even in people without diabetes.
