The –est

  1. Animals

    To zip through water, swordfish reduce drag

    A newly discovered oil-producing organ inside the swordfish’s head gives the animal slick skin to swim faster.

  2. Archaeology

    Ancient Europeans may have been first wine makers

    A new chemical analysis uncovers the earliest known wine making in Europe.

  3. Oceans

    Coral bleaching event is longest on record

    Widespread coral bleaching continues, in the longest episode, over the largest area to date.

  4. Life

    Fruit fly’s giant sperm is quite an exaggeration

    Giant sperm, about 20 times a male fruit fly’s body length, could make the insects the champs of supersized sexual ornaments.

  5. Archaeology

    Bear bone rewrites human history in Ireland

    A rediscovered bear bone puts humans in Ireland at least 12,600 years ago.

  6. Astronomy

    This eclipse goes on and on

    The longest known stellar eclipse hides a nearby star for nearly 3.5 years behind a thick clump of orbiting dust once every 69 years.

  7. Astronomy

    Earth’s hurricanes have nothing on this quasar

    In a remote galaxy, a cosmic hurricane around a supermassive black hole is driving winds at nearly 20 percent of the speed of light.

  8. Archaeology

    Tailored Egyptian dress is the oldest ever found

    A pleated dress found in an ancient Egyptian cemetery called Tarkhan was cut, fitted and tailored between 5,400 and 5,100 years ago.

  9. Anthropology

    Iceman has the world’s oldest tattoos

    A more than 5,000-year-old European mummy gets his tattoos confirmed as world’s oldest.

  10. Astronomy

    This white dwarf is hotter than the rest

    A new record holder for hottest white dwarf sizzles at about 250,000˚ Celsius.

  11. Planetary Science

    Way-out world is solar system’s most distant object — for now

    An icy world over 15 billion kilometers from the sun is the new record holder for most distant object in the solar system.

  12. Anthropology

    More than 9,000-year-old decapitated head discovered in Brazil

    Human decapitation goes back more than 9,000 years in the Americas.
