Pollutants in the womb can trigger adult cancers
Mouse study shows fetal exposures may pose long-term risks
By Janet Raloff
Mouse moms exposed late in pregnancy to heavy doses of a carcinogen gave birth to pups that inevitably developed lymphomas and lung cancers, a new study shows. The malignancies generally didn’t show up until the offspring reached the human equivalent of adulthood. The good news: Milk from carcinogen-treated mouse moms posed little added risk.
This demonstration “that very short early-life exposures can have major consequences is very important,” observes toxicologist Linda S. Birnbaum of the Environmental Protection Agency in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
In 2006, David E. Williams and his colleagues at Oregon State University in Corvallis developed an animal model of cancer formation triggered by fetal exposure to pollutants. The team laced the diets of mice with the carcinogen dibenzo[a,l]pyrene — also known as DBP — during just the final two or three days of their three-week pregnancies. This chemical is one of the most toxic of many thousands of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, that form during the incomplete burning of fuels, cigarettes and other carbon-rich materials.
In their new study, appearing in the Dec. 15 Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, the Oregon State scientists determined the cancer risk among 215 pups from exposures in the womb compared to any delivered through milk. To do this, the researchers sent half of the pups to foster moms for three weeks. Among these foster pups, those whose moms had been treated with DBP were nursed by untreated mice and the newborns from untreated moms were suckled by mice exposed to pollutants while pregnant.