Study brews up more evidence for coffee’s health benefits

cup of coffee

BOTTOMS UP  Knocking back up to five cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of dying early from heart and brain diseases or suicide, a new study suggests. 


The benefits of drinking coffee continue to filter in.

An analysis of over 200,000 medical professionals followed for up to 28 years finds that drinking up to five cups of coffee a day is associated with reduced risk of dying early from heart and brain diseases as well as from suicide.

The results were adjusted for factors like smoking, weight and diet. Benefits were more pronounced for those who had never smoked, an international research team reports online November 16 in Circulation.

Both caffeinated and decaf java had positive effects, leading the researchers to speculate that coffee’s potency as a health elixir stems from chemical compounds in the bean such as chlorogenic acids (SN: 10/3/15, p. 16).