Carolyn is the Earth & Climate writer at Science News. Previously she worked at Science magazine for six years, both as a reporter covering paleontology and polar science and as the editor of the news in brief section. Before that she was a reporter and editor at EARTH magazine. She has bachelor’s degrees in Geology and European History and a Ph.D. in marine geochemistry from MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She’s also a former Science News intern.

All Stories by Carolyn Gramling

  1. Animals

    Strong winds send migrating seal pups on lengthier trips

    Prevailing winds can send northern fur seal pups on an epic journey.

  2. Climate

    Look to penguins to track Antarctic changes

    Scientists say carbon and nitrogen isotopes found in penguin tissues can indicate shifts in the Antarctic environment.

  3. Plants

    Ancient ozone holes may have sterilized forests 252 million years ago

    Swaths of barren forest may have led to Earth’s greatest mass extinction.

  4. Ecosystems

    Humans are overloading the world’s freshwater bodies with phosphorus

    Human activities are driving phosphorus levels in the world’s lakes and other freshwater bodies to a critical point.

  5. Earth

    Gassy farm soils are a shockingly large source of these air pollutants

    California’s farm soils produce a surprisingly large amount of smog-causing air pollutants.

  6. Earth

    Life may have been possible in Earth’s earliest, most hellish eon

    Heat from asteroid bombardment during Earth’s earliest eon wasn’t too intense for life to exist on the planet, a new study suggests.

  7. Earth

    Overlooked air pollution may be fueling more powerful storms

    The tiniest particles in air pollution aren’t just a health threat. They also strengthen thunderstorms, new research suggests.

  8. Earth

    Volume of fracking fluid pumped underground tied to Canada quakes

    Study links volume of fracking fluid injected underground with hundreds of quakes in central Canada, and not the rate at which the fluids were injected.

  9. Climate

    Rising CO2 in lakes could keep water fleas from raising their spiky defenses

    Rising CO2 in freshwaters may change how predators and prey interact in lakes.

  10. Planetary Science

    NASA is headed to Earth’s outermost edge

    NASA’s upcoming GOLD mission will study the charged border between Earth and space.

  11. Earth

    A sinking, melting ancient tectonic plate may fuel Yellowstone’s supervolcano

    The subduction of an ancient tectonic plate may be the driving force behind Yellowstone’s volcanic eruptions.

  12. Climate

    These weather events turned extreme thanks to human-driven climate change

    Ruling out natural variability, scientists say several of 2016’s extreme weather events wouldn’t have happened without human-caused climate change.