Search Results for: Giraffes

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201 results
  1. Animals

    Study ranks Greenland shark as longest-lived vertebrate

    Radiocarbon in eye lenses suggests mysterious Greenland sharks might live for almost 400 years.

  2. Animals

    Animals get struck by lightning, too

    Scientists found a group of sea lions apparently dead from a lightning strike. But those animals certainly aren’t the first animals to die that way.

  3. Animals

    Africa’s poison arrow beetles are key in traditional hunting method

    In the Kalahari of Namibia, some San people still hunt with a traditional method — arrows laced with poison taken from beetle larvae.

  4. Animals

    Sneaky little giraffe weevils beat big rivals

    A little stealth gives smaller giraffe weevil males a leg up when competing with big ones for mates.

  5. Animals

    Early research asked whether cats dream

    Early research asked whether cats dream; researchers still don’t know definitively.

  6. Animals

    African herbivores share space but not diet

    Large herbivorous mammals on the plains of Kenya have distinctive diets, a new study finds.

  7. Animals

    Why was Marius, the euthanized giraffe, ever born?

    The problem of ‘surplus’ zoo animals reveals a divide on animal contraceptives.

  8. Animals

    Ivory listings found on Craigslist as elephant poaching continues

    Elephants are hunted by the thousands to meet demand for ivory products.

  9. Life

    The eyes have it: Long lashes not so lovely

    Eyelashes can’t be too short or too long without ruining their aerodynamic protection.

  10. Animals

    The giraffes that sailed to medieval China

    Chinese exploration of the world is often left out of Western textbooks (at least it was left out of mine), but for a brief period, from 1405 to 1433, the Chinese under Ming emperor Yongle sent out numerous trade missions that reached as far as present-day Kenya. During the fourth expedition, which left China in 1413, part of the fleet led by commander Zheng He sailed to Bengal in India, where in 1414 they met envoys from the African coastal state of Malindi (now part of Kenya). The men from Malindi had brought with them as tribute giraffes, and they gave one of those giraffes to the Chinese, who took it home.

  11. Paleontology

    Earliest tree-dweller, burrower join mammal tree of life

    Fossils show mammal ancestors did a lot more than cower in dinosaurs’ shadows.

  12. Life

    The tree of life gets a makeover

    Biology’s tree of life has morphed from the familiar classroom version emphasizing kingdoms into a complex depiction of supergroups, in which animals are aligned with a slew of single-celled cousins.
