Quantum Physics

  1. Quantum Physics

    Rumors hint that Google has accomplished quantum supremacy

    Reports suggest a quantum computer has bested standard computers on one type of calculation, but practical applications are still a distant goal.

  2. Physics

    Quantum physicists have teleported ‘qutrits’ for the first time

    The technique could be useful for creating a future quantum internet.

  3. Physics

    In a first, scientists took the temperature of a sonic black hole

    A lab-made black hole that traps sound, not light, emits radiation at a certain temperature, as Stephen Hawking first predicted.

  4. Quantum Physics

    An experiment hints at quantum entanglement inside protons

    Particles inside protons seem to be linked on a scale smaller than a trillionth of a millimeter.

  5. Quantum Physics

    Antimatter keeps with quantum theory. It’s both particle and wave

    A new variation of the classic double-slit experiment confirms that antimatter, like normal matter, has wave-particle duality.

  6. Science & Society

    A science-themed escape room gives the brain a workout

    Quantum physicist Paul Kwiat reveals what it takes do well in LabEscape, his science-themed escape room.

  7. Quantum Physics

    A new quantum engine packs more power than its standard counterparts

    A new type of tiny machine harnesses quantum physics to produce more power than a normal engine, under certain conditions.

  8. Particle Physics

    How a proton gets its spin is surprisingly complicated

    Pinning down the source of protons’ spin is surprisingly hard to do.

  9. Quantum Physics

    LIGO will be getting a quantum upgrade

    Quantum squeezing of light will help scientists make better gravitational wave detectors.

  10. Quantum Physics

    Photons reveal a weird effect called the quantum pigeonhole paradox

    Quantum particles seem to disobey a fundamental principle of mathematics.

  11. Quantum Physics

    ‘Beyond Weird’ and ‘What Is Real?’ try to make sense of quantum weirdness

    The books ‘Beyond Weird’ and ‘What is Real?’ have different perspectives on what quantum physics says about reality.

  12. Quantum Physics

    Physicists wrangled electrons into a quantum fractal

    The tiny, repeating structure could reveal weird behavior of electrons in fractional dimensions.
