Science & Society
- Science & Society
Become a guinea pig
Three NIH researchers argue it should be considered a duty with a social mandate akin to voting.
By Janet Raloff - Computing
Asia: One reason America can’t afford to jettison good teachers
Asia appears to prize science and tech education far more than America does, and the result may be a waning of the West's economic and entrepreneurial dominance.
By Janet Raloff - Animals
Swarm Savvy
How bees, ants and other animals avoid dumb collective decisions
By Susan Milius -
- Tech
Stimulus: Substantial money for research infrastructure
Two agencies will share more than $1.25 billion to upgrade research equipment and facilities around the nation.
By Janet Raloff - Science & Society
AAAS: The New Masters of Science
A new master's degree program is emerging that is creating "a new type of scientist" and a new professional class.
By Janet Raloff - Science & Society
Kids’ gestures foretell better vocabularies
Toddlers who gesture more at age 14 months possess larger vocabularies when entering school, new research finds.
- Science & Society
2008: Science news of the year
Science News editors and writers survey the top news from the world of science in 2008. The selected stories are featured in this year-end issue, with links to the original, longer stories.
By Science News - Health & Medicine
Breast cancer costs poor people more
Out-of-pocket costs of breast cancer hit poor individuals the hardest.
By Nathan Seppa