SN 10
- Astronomy
Paula Jofré makes stellar connections
Astrophysicist Paula Jofré is a galactic archaeologist, mapping out generations of stars.
- Health & Medicine
Lisa Manning describes the physics of how cells move
Physicist Lisa Manning probes how physical forces influence cell behavior in asthma and other conditions.
- Chemistry
Joaquín Rodríguez-López designs batteries for a sustainable energy future
Electrochemist Joaquín Rodríguez-López is finding better ways to store wind and solar power.
- Artificial Intelligence
Anshumali Shrivastava uses AI to wrangle torrents of data
Computer scientist Anshumali Shrivastava is designing programs that can handle torrents of information quickly and efficiently.
- Quantum Physics
Douglas Stanford probes the chaos inside black holes
Theoretical physicist Douglas Stanford is linking some of the most massive objects known to the quantum realm.
- Animals
Jenny Tung wants to know how social stresses mess with genes
Evolutionary anthropologist Jenny Tung is untangling the many health effects of life as a social animal.
By Susan Milius - Plants
José Dinneny rethinks how plants hunt for water
Plant biologist José Dinneny probes the very beginnings of root development, which may have important implications for growing food in a changing climate.
By Susan Milius - Physics
Jennifer Dionne harnesses light to illuminate nano landscapes
Nanophotonics research by materials scientist Jennifer Dionne could lead to improved drugs, cancer tests or invisibility cloaks.
- Computing
M. Ehsan Hoque develops digital helpers that teach social skills
Computer scientist M. Ehsan Hoque programs emotionally attuned assistants that bring people together.
By Bruce Bower - Life
KC Huang probes basic questions of bacterial life
A physicist by training, Kerwyn Casey Huang tries to understand cell shape, movement and growth.
- Astronomy
David Kipping seeks new and unexpected worlds
Astronomer David Kipping became “the moon guy” by deciding no idea is too crazy.
- Chemistry
Chong Liu one-ups plant photosynthesis
Chong Liu mixes bacteria and inorganics into systems that can generate clean energy better than a leaf.